I have followed Amy Rigby on and off for a good few years. I joined the party with "Til the Wheels Fall Off" which contains 'Are We Ever Gonna Have Sex Again?' a typical Amy song with pointed lyrics over a subversive sounding slide guitar based backing. Moving from there to "Little Fugitives" featuring 'Dancing With Joey Ramone' a song you need to hear now...
Convinced yet? Her new album "The Old Guys" has just come out and is one of her best. The themes have moved on with life, but the words remain to the point. She also writes a mean blog, and should write a book. She has recently toured the U.K. so like me you missed her, but she did a BBC session. Find it here during April 2018. The comparisons to Randy Newman, Paul Simon and Carol King are not wide of the mark.

Wherever possible the album links are all to Bandcamp pages. This really is the best way to support the artists as they get more of your money than buying from A****n, which means they get to make more albums and we get to buy them.
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