I was lucky enough to review two really good albums recently over at Americana UK.
W.C.Beck's "First Flight" is fairly standard Alt.Country fare at first listen but reveals it self over time as a properly good album, no filler.
The star turn though is The Alvarez Theory's debut album. If this doesn't crop up on my end of year best of then there will be some truly great albums coming soon. Also the first LP record I have played in about 25 years. The Alvarez Theory, by the way, explains why the Dinosuars died out...

With all this listening to Americana, I'm confronted by a truth about my music habits. I can't stick to any one thing for long, but the main theme of all this is tunes. I like a decent tune and at the moment roots music seems to be providing that. The Prog I like is mostly of the shorter more song based variety (can't do ELP), so my new comment if someone asks what music I like is "anything with a decent tune".
And then a friend persuaded me to try Tom Waits...
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